Greenbelt, MD Child Custody Attorneys
Dedicated Lawyers Protecting Children's Best Interests in Greenbelt Child Custody Cases
When unwed parents who have minor children separate, or when married parents divorce, Maryland courts expect them to focus on their children's best interests rather than their own. In most situations, children need to maintain healthy relationships with both parents. If you are in this situation, you cannot let the feelings of animosity you may have against your spouse spill over into discussions about child custody and visitation arrangements. You also cannot let your spouse's animosity impact your parental rights or your children's best interests. However, that may be easier said than done, which is why legal representation is crucial in these situations.
Choosing the Law Office of Kari H. Fawcett means that you will have an attorney who will help you make sound decisions that focus on your children's needs. To better understand your circumstances, we will take the time to talk with you and address the specific concerns you are facing. This thoroughness gives us the information we need to provide advice that will fit your family's unique dynamic, resulting in a customized strategy that we will create together. We offer complimentary consultations, so call now to schedule yours.
Removing Emotions From Child Custody Decisions
Depression, anxiety, animosity, and uncertainty are normal emotions as you prepare for your life apart from your spouse. Too many parents attempt to use their children to manipulate their spouses, not realizing or caring about how their children will be affected by this tactic. Strong emotions can make agreeing on child custody matters seem impossible, but if you cannot resolve issues through negotiation, the courts will step in and take these matters out of your hands.
Maryland courts are obligated to make rulings that are in the best interests of your children. While you may not agree with those rulings, you are bound by them. To avoid court intervention, your child custody lawyer from the Law Office of Kari H. Fawcett will work with you to establish child custody arrangements and parenting plans that safeguard your parental rights and preserve your children's best interests.
Considerations in Greenbelt Child Custody Matters
There may be valid reasons to restrict one parent's rights and custody, such as:
- Mental health challenges
- Drug addiction or criminal behaviors
- Endangering or abusing your children
- Previous or current desertion
If this kind of issue applies to your situation, trust Law Office of Kari H. Fawcett to address it effectively.
Among the issues you must decide, determining how to handle physical and legal custody are some of the most important. Legal custody is the right to make important choices for your children, such as those involving education, religion, and healthcare. Physical custody is what it sounds like, having your children under your or your spouse's care.
Using the standards that Maryland courts would, Law Office of Kari H. Fawcett helps you consider many factors pertaining to your children's best interests, such as:
- Which parent has been the primary caregiver
- Each parent's financial, physical, and mental abilities to care for the children
- The location of each parent's residence, including proximity to extended family and the children's schools
- The work schedule of each parent, including overnight shifts or frequent out-of-town business trips
- The willingness of each parent to support the children's relationship with the other parent
- The moral character of both parents
- The children's preferences, depending on their maturity levels and ages
- Whether children have special needs that must be accommodated
A one-size-fits-all structure does not exist, and attempting to use a generic approach is usually detrimental. Working alongside you, your attorney from Law Office of Kari H. Fawcett will craft comprehensive parenting and child custody plans that reflect your family's unique needs.
Circumstances may arise over time that may require modifications to your child custody arrangements. Law Office of Kari H. Fawcett also helps in these situations. We will work with you to request modifications or respond to these types of requests from the other parent, and we will help you make sure your children's best interests will be served by any changes that are put in place.
Call Our Greenbelt, Maryland Child Custody Lawyers
With more than 50 years of combined experience, you can trust Law Office of Kari H. Fawcett to help you make the right child custody decisions. Whether you need to develop a new plan or modify an existing one, contact us online or call Law Office of Kari H. Fawcett to arrange a convenient time for your free case review.